Friday, October 13, 2006

Osaka pics

Hello Osaka!, So this was the view out of my small, and super cheap $20 a night hostel I stayed in, in a sketchy part of Osaka. If you ever get a chance to go to the city, try to find hostels/hotels in Dobutsuen-Mae. Its a pretty sckethy part of town with a number of homeless people, but, it also boasts some of cheapest hotels in all of town, and, there was a nice roller coaster that looped around three department stores and gave a view of osaka for $6 across the street! lol

Here's a pic of yours truly at the entrance to the wonderful Osaka historical meuseum. Wait until you see the scenic pics from inside.

Now here's the view that left me speechless. Its from the 9th story of this historical meuseum of the near-by Osaka-jo (Osaka Castle) The area literally takes up the center of Osaka with a huge moat around the whole parameter. When I saw this, I knew I was in Japan...

Here's a pic of this really nifty looking ceremonial statue in the Meuseum
Not to mention a pic of an artificial fish market to simulate life fo Osakan's in the early 20th century. Hell of a town I must say.

Osaka Castle, the epicenter of Osaka.
The castle originally was built in the 16th century by one of Japanese most prominent and influential leaders, of whose name I can't remember at the moment. But I will tell you, he was man unlike many of his time. Japan at the time was ruled by a very heavy caste system with limited room for mobility, the man who later when on to built this palace was born poor, but worked his way up the ranks with the help of a thief/warlord in Osaka to become ruler of the Osaka area for a veyr long period of time. But unfortunately after his death, and the death of his successing kin, his kingdom slowly became dissolved by the Tokugawa clan. Now the castle it self really isn't real anymore. It was burned down over the years, and then rebuilt and then destroyed again during WWII. But, at least the foundation is real! lol. Yes the huge stones raising the structures area from the water is still there. Inside there really isn't anything orginal to see, but, it does offer a stunning view of Osaka. As you can see down here.

Beauty in'it?

Here's a pic of a little pond area next to the castle.

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